ESEA Outreach and Workshops

The Nevada State PIRC helps parents to understand their options under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) previously known as No Child Left Behind.  Specifically, parents at Title I served schools may have the option of Supplemental Educational Services (free tutoring) and/or School Choice.  The Nevada PIRC also provides resources to help parents understand Adequate Yearly Progress and school improvement.

Annual Title I Meeting Toolkit for Schools

All Title I schools are required to host an annual meeting with families to share information about the different components of Title I.  This toolkit contains everything you need to host this meeting:  a flyer, Power Point presentation, a tip sheet on adult learning, a script for an interactive session with families and an evaluation. This toolkit was developed in partnership with the Alabama State PIRC, Arizona State PIRC and the Wyoming State PIRC.

Download the kit

Download the individual items in the kit:
Adult Learner Tip Sheet
Power Point - full version
Power Point - short version
Power Point - Spanish version
Facilitated Discussion
Table Topics

A Parent's Guide to Understanding ESEA is a booklet that explains, in simplified terms, the many aspects of the federal No Child Left Behind Law and how it is applied in Nevada.

Learn more about No Child Left Behind and how to help your child at home! Some helpful resources for parents include:

Nevada Department of Education:



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